
By wingpig


I had been offered a surprise COVID and/or 'flu jab at the Waverley Centre vaccinatorium; surprising as I'm not in the usual target age group for winter boosters, though it turned out to only be for 'flu and probably because of my increased susceptibility to breathing difficulties under the influence of wasp and bee venom. I had to dodge several carriages' worth of oddly-underdressed and excitable youths on the way in and another couple on the way out after eventually finding an empty (and accessible) rack. I hadn't been into town in the middle of the day on a Saturday for a while so didn't know if this was normal, but there turned out to be an atrocious thumping from the west which turned out to be some sort of EDM festival at the bandstand, augmented by tents and stalls and some pipes emitting the occasional gout of flame, towards which a constant stream of people seemingly caught out by a fire drill either at the gym or tanning salon were heading, with little regard for not being swiped halfway down Hanover Street by a rapidly-moving bus. 

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