An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Seascape to be...

Lots of little jobs done today before Ele and Kenny arrived for dinner, including a clear out of the coat cupboard in the hall.  

Spent a little time in the studio on the acrylic seascape.  The background I started painting the other day seemed a little insipid so strengthened the colours a bit.  I didn't start building detail as I was running out of time and don't want to rush it.

Ele and Kenny arrived just after 7.15pm.  Dinner (melon, parma ham, mozzarella with honey and mustard vinaigrette, balmoral chicken, baby potatoes, carrots and corn on the cob, followed with strawberry and rhubarb sponge with custard) served at 7.45pm.  Like it when I am organised :D  Watched Strictly as we ate, a sure sign that autumn has arrived.

Lovely evening catching up with them. 

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