
By DaisyMoo

I'm getting too old for this.....

This was taken at the start of our girls night out where we are all sober and looking forward to a night of drinking, dancing and Laura's dance off's.

I started on wine, then went onto Pimms and finished with vodka and surprisingly have woke this morning with a clear head. I got in at 2am and Daisy woke me at 6am, so I think I will be no good for nothing later!

We were all left standing at the end of the night apart from my sister who was a bit worse for wear, falling a sleep in the taxi, with the rest of us discussing how we were going to get her upstairs to her flat and into bed safely? Luckily I was dropped off before my sister so it was left in the capable hands of Nadine and Sarah.....lucky escape on my part. I bet her head hurts this morning!

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