
By seizetheday

Up North (and the Harvest Moon)

The real north, that is!

Straight after drumming, MrM drove us up to Newcastle. The trip took a little longer than anticipated (for a reason we won't mention here!), but we arrived in plenty of time to settle into our accommodation before going to a nearby Greek restaurant where we met up with friends Liz and Martin for a meal. They'd driven down from the Borders. Their daughter and her husband joined us too - they live nearby and had recommended to the restaurant. No wonder, the food was amazing.

Afterwards we all went to the Cumberland Arms for an Irish music session - the first time I've been there, but apparently it's always popular and very lively. Not a great photo, but it's a frame from a video I took for MrM. (Worth remembering that there's a choice good ciders at the Cumberland...)

Back to our accommodation, and in bed just after midnight.

Extra: I had intended to bring the Lumix camera with me with the intention of capturing the Harvest Moon, and being over-hopeful, maybe over the sea. But totally forgot the camera, and there was no hope of a sea view anyway this evening. So it was a phone photo of the full moon over Wallsend!

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