
By Ingeborg

Home coming

Baby Will and Fumiko came home today. Will was fast asleep when they arrived. So we still haven't seen him with his eyes open :-) We were looking after Jack while his papa had gone to the hospital to fetch mama and baby, but we had decided we would let them settle in as a family of four now after that. There is still plenty of time to see them all.

Thanks so much for all your Abstract Thursday entries, many very creative entries again ! This coming Thursday the optional theme is 'filter', you could of course use apps but making your own filter from see-through things is quite fun too. The tag will be AT483.

Here's the list of 5 special entries from last week:
Trisharooni                 dark minimalism
rmeinz                         flying mini aubergine
MovableParts            sunlight minimalism
TeeJay                        tree trunk
OutAndAbout01        ferris wheel

Thanks so very much for all your comments, stars and so many hearts, you are very kind ! I'm still very much dazed by jetlag but getting there.

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