Around the Block

By Barrioboy

What a difference a day makes . . .

It’s been quite rollercoaster these last 24 hours. We got a call from my brother yesterday evening saying my mum was in Inverclyde Royal Hospital with such a perfect storm of conditions that she would be put into a single room, made comfortable (no intrusive treatment) and easier for the family to gather round with the likelihood of passing away in 1-3 days.

We booked the only flights we could get, which were through Standstead to Edinburgh. Left our house at 4.30am, picked up Dot’s car in Morningside and were bedside at 2pm . . . talking to Mum, who was sat up in bed, still in the womens’ ward, having received more antibiotics this morning with a new top-up heart pill. Still on a lot of oxygen but all key indicators improving. So, thankfully, no midnight vigil tonight and we will speak to the consultant at 11am tomorrow. They are surprised at the improvement but still cautious. My sister and her husband arrived shortly after us so we are all together again for the second time in three months.

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