Carolina's journal

By Carolina

Looking up

I did do a few shots of people looking up and will post in the extras. This gentleman had a Italian Water Dog  a  Lagotto  Romagnolo...a sweet girl who is about 11 and still loves the water.  You can tell she's getting older but isn't stopping yet.  It was fun talking to him.  I think he's from Italy.  
     There were some people learning to dive in the water and the guy I took a shot of sitting on the wall was keeping track of what they were doing.    It was rainy this morning and then just went to dark clouds.  Eventually the sun actually came out around 3pm. 
     I went for a skin check with the dermatologist.  She found one little black dot she didn't like and took a sample.  We'll see what she says in a few weeks.   
     Thanks for stopping by and as I looked at the photos for the MM challenge there are already a lot of good ones!   I think I am on page 2.  I am in trouble!!      I'll get to journals as I can and thank you so much for stopping by and for the hearts and stars too!!!

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