The hearing test revealed that there's virtually no difference in my hearing compared to my last audiogram from 2019. If what I hear is loud enough, I hear well. So I'll have to make sure that left hearing aide is in good working order and wear it all the time.
I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up some prescriptions and had a very frustrating argument with the pharmacist about what constitutes a one month supply of my insulin. This has always been three pens per month, which is just short of a month's supply. But she was insisting that three pens was a nine month supply and charged me for that. I'm going to have to get hold of the pharmacy manager to get my money back. So frustrating.
Gena and Terri called and we had a nice catch-up. They took a trip to the ocean and really enjoyed their time there, including seeing a sand castle contest at Cannon Beach.
At a loss for a blip, I took a new photo of Sylvie. She's staring intently at something, but I have no idea what.
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