Enjoying a Few Raindrops

It has been a odd day with strong winds for a while. Black clouds drifting over and dropping a few drops of rain and then warmed up a little. A frost is expected to night.

I had a call from the insurance company as they want more details on some of things I am claiming for in the flooding. I will need to get back to Akaroa again to do some measuring for sizing. Because I can't get to all the furniture so they will give me a part out at the moment. 

I need my hedges cut in Akaroa and a man that knows my neighbour called today to say he can do them for me. Which is great. 

My MRI went well. The medication I was given sure worked so well. I can't remember much of the scan. That's the first time I have had that reaction. I wanted to take some photos on my way home but just wasn't up to it. I just went to sleep when I got home.. which is not like me. 

Also I had a phone call while I was at the hospital from ENT people about my sinus surgery. They want me to fill out a form on line to work out how urgent my sinus surgery is. So it doesn't sound like it will happen anytime soon. 

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