Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

Days about stitches…

Off to see the nurse to have my stitches out this afternoon. I’m not normally a fan of having stitches removed but there can’t be many for two incisions and a drain so I guess it will be fine…
My winter coat that I ordered arrived yesterday. I like the look of it, it fits and feels as if it will be cosy. So I chose the possum fingerless mittens that would best match the colours and went to put them in the pockets. Of course coats always arrive with the pockets tacked up so I dug out the seam rippers and set to on the first pocket. The stitches were quite tight but once one was ripped the others easy. But I failed miserably on the other pocked. If I pulled as hard as I could, I could just catch sight of a red stitch but unless I pulled with both hands I couldn’t see the stitch. Sometimes it would be very handy to have three hands!
Not conventionally surreal but it is a bit weird not to be able to see the tiny stitches I need to snip. I can’t use a pic as my blip because I’d need that third hand to hold the fabric!

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