Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Tiny Tuesday: Surreal

Well, someone had to do it and I thought "Why not me?"  The first Christmas Blip, I mean.  There we were, walking into the garden centre and where by the entrance there is normally a plethora of barbecues, grills and pizza ovens, today there was Christmas.  Only in the early stages, you understand; it was all in the process of being set up so there were only a few shiny green stegosauruses (because nothing says Christmas like a shiny green stegosaurus) and this rather enticing Santa Claus light box.  Enticing, that is, if you like that 'Cocktail Bar' vibe at Christmas.

Unlike a lot of people, I don't get annoyed about it.  Yes, it's far too early but if people are daft enough to buy it then the shops are going to sell it.  I certainly won't be getting into the Christmas spirit until December (or perhaps late November as we have tickets to see 'A Christmas Carol' then at the Old Vic).  But I do think it was slightly surreal to see all of this on the first day of Autumn.  And there it is; the link to the Tiny Tuesday theme this week of 'surreal'.

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