Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

View from my bed!

We travelled from Mundaka to Cudillero today. It was a long drive and I struggled because my cough was getting worse all the way.

Once here I had to admit that I needed to see a doctor. I am very wheezy and cannot lie down without cough, cough coughing.

A doctor AND a nurse arrived very quickly. I have been given a big dose of steroids to sort out the asthma plus antibiotics. If I am no better by morning I have to be admitted to hospital!

That makes it sound a bit dramatic and I’m sure that the medication will do the trick.

The last time I had an attack like this was over 20 years ago.

We are here for 3 nights so I have time to recover.

PS I don’t have Covid

PPS the rest of the group are having a picnic on the beach…..

PPPS I added a filter in Snapseed to cheer up the image.

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