secret garden

By freespiral


A chilly grey start to the day but Himself boldly went for a swim and pronounced it perishing. I had a shower instead then we went across the peninsula to see Ginny  who was just back from the UK. She fed us homemade scones and apple cake and we enjoyed a most pleasant catch up. On the way home we stopped at Seefin, the highest peak on the peninsula and surveyed the scenes. This is looking out towards the south and there is the iconic Fastnet Lighthouse at least 12 miles out to sea and mentioned in the shipping forecast. It in an incredible feat of engineering and a bouncy and dangerous ride out there. Also called Ireland's Teardrop as it was often the last thing emigrants saw as they sailed out into the Atlantic. The extra shows the view out to the north and across to the Beara peninsula, the sheep's bit scabious still flourishing in profusion.
Back home Himself wrestled with more insurance, 35 days out of the country seems to be the norm for us mature types, and I've got all the accommodation sorted. Tomorrow, if  I have a clear head, I will tackle the flights. 
And there's a new blog

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