
By Green56

Always a red light

I can't wait for my new bed to come. I woke up in lots of pain. The bed in the hotel was so comfy. 
I had a physio appointment so decided to catch the bus. I walked to the bus stop and I realised the bus wasn't going to come on time so I walked back home and took the car. A very good appointment and Zedanya was really pleased and commented that I had a better range of movements from doing the exercises she gave me.  I asked how to pronounce her name and she told me it is Mexican as her mum is Mexican. She is also from Canada near Vancouver, she came over here to university and get experience. Unfortunately she's on rotation and this is her last week but I could see her at the other one if I need more exercises after I've done the pilates group. It's been a great NHS service.
I drove to Parbold for my eye test. My appointment was delayed because of an emergency which actually was a lot longer than they anticipated so I've rescheduled. Driving home I was held up at the level crossing yet again, it always happens. 

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