
By RadioGirl

Tiny Tuesday - ‘Surreal’

After a slightly late start, it’s actually been a fairly productive day. I’ve now got rid of the last huge cardboard wardrobe in which the remainder of my coats and jackets were brought here from the flat. I’ve actually been able to move a chest of drawers to its proper spot in the second bedroom, which really feels like progress. Everything fits in the wardrobes that I’m keeping, but I must still do some culling because at the moment you can’t fit a cigarette paper between the stuff that’s hanging up!

Many thanks to McCaviti for hosting the Tiny Tuesday challenge - this week’s theme is “Surreal”. My introduction to surrealist art when I was about 15 was through the weird and wonderful world of Salvador Dali. I went to an exhibition of many of his works in London which was amazing. In the 70’s I had a waistcoat which was printed with the melting clocks from Dali’s famous painting “The Persistence of Memory”, so I’ve had a great time processing a photograph of my small wristwatch to create another melting timepiece in similar style.

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