Pictorial blethers

By blethers

An omen?

After days of gloom, of having to go looking for sunshine, we had some of our own today, though interspersed with dramatic clouds and sudden showers. At least I was able to walk to and from my painting lesson, whose venue is actually in view from my window - just before you get to that tallish building on the sea front, where the Education Offices are housed. I spent two hours doing minute roofs and bushes on this small watercolour I've been working on - I really am not making proper use of the medium, but right now it suits me. 

An unsatisfactory phone call to my doctor decided me to make a determined effort to see the optician tomorrow - the eye bothers are back with a vengeance and are becoming rather dominant at the moment. However, my mind was taken off it for an hour this afternoon when we had a Zoom meeting of the joint vestries with our new Bishop to work out the timetable for the vacancy - we're on the point of putting out our advertisement now. When the meeting had ended and I stood up to go and do something about dinner, I saw this segment of a rainbow right outside my study window - I'm choosing to see it as a good omen, like Noah or something.

We had choir tonight - another small turnout, but some good hard work and a new piece whose text is originally Japanese - interesting to be working on  a sheet of music with such a totally different text on it from anything we ever see in our lives. It's a lovely piece, though.

And now I'm off to have some tea before bed. And in the morning I'm going to phone the optician ...

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