Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Beach Day.

It was a lovely day today, not too hot yet.  (I still managed to get a bit of sunburn on the top of my leg, though.  Must've missed it when I put the suncream on).

Anyway, the girls had a lovely time, and so did their Mum.

They even all went into the sea, it would've been too cold for me.

After a couple of hours, we decided to pack up and go and find some lunch and have a wander around the shops.

We get back to the car only to find we had a parking ticket.

We don't usually park in this particular car park and the signs were all a bit misleading.  There were four different areas with different allowance signs.

We weren't the only ones confused, as we could see several other people who had been fined as well.

More annoying was the fine had only been put on the car 10 minutes before we got back.

Worse still the fine was $201!!

There have been lots of complaints recently that the parking fines are way too high.

Anway, it didn't do the local economy any good as instead of buying lunch and spending money in the shops, we went home.

Lesson learnt.  We will be more diligent about the parking signs next time.

Or we will park in the local shopping centre, where it is free and walk to the beach,

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