Over Yonder

By Stoffel


My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Punky is water-obsessed and food-obsessed. These are early symptoms of renal failure, which we know he has anyway. He's been testing positive for early stages of renal failure for a few years now.

But there's been no change in this for ages, so we're hopeful we can keep him around for a while yet.

The problem with the water obsession is that he insists on drinking from a watering can. He will drink from static water sources, but definitely prefers the watering can. It can be quite tiresome when you've just sat down with a cup of tea. 

We tried getting him drinking fountains before. But they are all noisy and cheap*. And he ignores them. 

So I decided to splash out on this. A KittySpout. 

It's way quieter than other fountains and looks pretty flash. So far Punky has been ignoring it too, but we are going to hang in there and try to lure him to use it. Hence the catnip and the cat-toy. 

I'll let you know how this works out. If he and Jasper refuse to acknowledge it a month from now, maybe I'LL use it. 


* Much like myself, dear. 

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