Saying goodbye
Today we said our final goodbyes to our Uncle Bill. He was a difficult man at times (probably a lot of times if I am being honest) But he was also kind and helpful and when push came to shove, could be relied upon for support.
He led a very full life and the crematorium was packed with those who knew and respected him. The hearse also was walked past the school that he attended as a child, he became a governor of for many years and where is grandchildren went too. As we drove past many of the staff came out to pay their respects. There began the tears!
The photo is of his son M and J his grandson - a striking family resemblance and if I could snaffle a shot of my uncle on his youth it would be a trifecta.
A sad day but a warm day too. One of remembrance, of catching up with many people I haven’t seen for decades and for reconciliation
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