fools challenge

By ladypop


Another day that was supposed to be wet!  Did have a shower first thing but the rest of the day had been dry, fairly cloudy.

Up fairly early and decided to have a good clean through the house!  3 hours later I had a coffee and then shower and hair wash.  After some lunch I went out for a walk picking up litter, I actually counted as I was picking it up and the total for the pavement on one side of our High Street was 400 pieces, the street is nearly a mile long. There are also 14 litter bins.  
This afternoon I went to K's and we walked round the fields and down the lane, had a cuppa and chat.  This evening I'm out to Gardening Club, looking forward to it as its a continuation of a talk we had in the spring, this time on autumn and winter.  Again another quick look in the kitchen for a blip!  Sorry still not caught up with comments

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