Today's the day

By sheilwill


Today's the day .......................... to sign off

Well, that's it then, I've done my last official tour of the Raeburn Exhibition which has been running at Kirkcudbright Art Galley since the beginning of July and comes to an end on Sunday.

I've had a weekly slot on a Wednesday afternoon and I've managed to do them all.  So that means I've been guiding people officially around the exhibition twelve times or more - with a few extras for friends and family.  And I've met such a lot of nice people, who have made every tour different from the last, by the things they notice and the questions they ask.

I think my all-time favourite portrait (at the moment) would have to be that of Sarah Wordsworth.  She was painted by Henry Raeburn in around 1820, when she was in her early 20s - and not long before she became Mrs Robert Hartshorn Barber.  This exquisite painting was lent to the gallery for the exhibition by Philip Mould & Co.  You can hear Philip (of Fake or Fortune  fame) talk about it here.

I'm going to miss Sarah - and all the others .........................!

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