In the deep,dark wood

Dragged the kids into the middle of the deep, dark woods around Gifford. MrB's Woods as they are known locally. I told the kids to be very quiet and they might see some Deer. I then undermined the attempt to keep them silent by developing the worst attack of hayfever I've had in about thirty years. Don't know what was in that wood but it didn't agree with me.

Got as far as this Portico. The reason these woods are so amazing is that there are things like this in there to stumble across. This Portico is originally from Strathleven House in Dunbarton and was constructed in 1695 and then moved here in 2000 when the building was being dismantled.

Took a few photos and then sneezed my way back to the car.

Ended up playing football in the sunshine in Gifford so the kids are panting like pit bulls and crashed out on the sofa now - job done. Time to slam some Mackerel in the oven.

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