Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


Up at 8am and leisurely breakfast.
Off to a friends for a catch up - lovely time (good for your wellbeing to have a good chat).
Quickly home for a snack lunch before picking up the boys from school.
Austin is not 100%, he had had a bad night and mummy had given him calpol before school with the possibility that they would call - they didn’t.  However, when I picked him up he was dressed with his outdoor coat on (quite mild, 16-17 degrees) and complaining of being cold.  Quick stop off at tge supermarket to purchase some calpol then home to chill.  He managed to “fanciful” eat and was happy to snuggle under a blanket watching tv.  Hopefully a better night tonight.

EB today, my lovely picture (always think it’s me and hubby walking Lili… he he he).


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