just be

By justbe

Banquet Leftovers

The squirrels have been very busy scaling the shagbark hickory trees near our driveway. Recently, I had Hunter collect a basketful for me. The next day there were gazillions more. The squirrels sit way up in the leafy canopy and open the green 'nutshell' and remove the their favorite delicacy, the small, pale nut inside.You can see one in the center of the raked up nut shells in my photo.

The squirrels dine aloft or rush down the tree, dig a hole in the lawn, deposit the nut and head back up for more. The stubborn nuts get tossed down in hopes that they will shed the green outer 'shell' and then the diner can retrieve the nut. I have seen the remnants of the white nut flesh inside the small nut, but have never taken a test taste.

For the Record,
This day came in cool and cloudy.

All hands noticing trees with leaves changing colors.

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