The Babbling Brook...
Ditchend Brook, on the western boundary of the New Forest, taken with a GorillaPod. To look in LARGE
Lovely birthday (so far), even taking a four mile detour from the bus-stop before reaching the family home, taking in sights from childhood - and this brook, which I chanced upon a couple of years ago, on a dull March afternoon.
It looked so inviting today, babbling busily to itself, Nikkor 10-24mm with polariser to get some movement in the water. With the lack of rainfall recently, it is a bit dry but still very picturesque!
A lovely book on digital photography with some excellent images has to be my favourite present, given to me by my visiting cousin from Germany - I couldn't put it down!
Posting now as I may not get another chance before midnight and I will (I promise!) reply to and comment on other's journals in the morning. I have another ParkLife to officially photograph tomorrow afternoon, so that'll take care of Sunday's Blip.
Hope you're all having a splendiferous weekend so far, quite a bit breezier and thus a tad cooler down here, which was actually rather welcome.
Thanks to ALL who hoisted my Rose Blip of yesterday up into the spotlight - as always, it is much appreciated.
By the way - if (and when) you're told that your jpeg is too big to upload onto Blip, this is a 27.2mb jpeg - it took its time but no problem, size-wise!
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