End of a long day

8,800 fotos, although I was aiming for 9k. Just couldn't get that last 200 shots I needed. Obviously, saw the 200 shots as I went back up the mountain but that's always the way.

I like days like this - keeping busy all day long. So busy that I haven't stopped for food, and the two/three times I got out of my seat was changing batteries or cf cards. I did have a few minutes of quiet, but they never lasted long enough for me to get the iPod for some music either.

Found a fantastic spot at the end of the day as well which I use again.

But what really killed me was light. When the sun goes behind the mountains, the shadows become long, and I was already at the 6km mark to get an extra hour in (usually I'm at the 2-3km mark). The final shot actually had me and the van in the shadow.

Loads of new cyclists friends - mainly from Germany! Although you do have to scratch your head when some bonehead idiot stops his motorbike and then proceeds to park directly (and i mean - DIRECTLY) in front of my sign. So I move the van (the sign), and then his mate turns up and parks in front of the sign again!!??

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