The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Autumn leaf

Minky day and an early drop off meaning there was no great rush to get to Joy Tots for their little art class. Or there shouldn’t have been, but I got my buses confused and we had to trot up the road. She doesn’t like walking quickly I soon discovered.
Anyway, an excellent class, covering cardboard leaf shapes in different coloured lentils. Skills which will come in handy in later life. Let’s hope the Chinese keep making all our useful stuff.
Then on via the Library where I read some of Oliver Twist (a graphic novel version) which enthralled her. So later we had to watch some of the musical. And then the SK had to show her some clips of the Sound of Music, naturally. There may be further bonding around this…. I fear I may become a lonely goatherd.
And then, the Diggers and who came along but Prof Tom (Professor of Coastal and Maritime Hydromechanics!) and his underling William who I have wanted to proposition for months. Well, he’s the renowned expert on breakwaters and we need speakers for our winter talks. I mean, we can organise drinking in the bar, but we really ought to find some good excuses.

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