
By JohnW

From the sublime . . .

. . . to the ridiculous
Or visa versa.
My last loaf decided to be over sized, sticking out of the top of the baking pan and the toaster, and it was a bit bladdery.  This is usually slightly too much water.  The loaf was tasty enough.
So this morning I tried a slightly different formula, and its turned out a bit short – but VERY tasty.  I think where I went wrong was the yeast – the right amount for a normal bake, but then I noticed the time (6 am) and put it on a quick bake to be in time for breakfast.  The flour proportions are near enough the same – about 250 to 300 grams of white topped up to 400 grams with wholemeal.  This loaf is VERY tasty (but it did have extra oil and butter  :-))  )
Major job with the Aquarium this morning.  The plecs had a big bit of courgette last week, and were cleaned a day late.  Not helped with one of the plecs throwing a tantrum making a heck of a mess (I was in the utility room at the time) so they got a good ticking off and a lot of time by me doing a second clear up with a net before putting the filter back into operation.
Veg out this afternoon maybe . . .  ?

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