Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Cautionary tale(s).

      Concerning Cancer - If in doubt SEE your Medic. 
Not many days ago, I was hearing a phone in programme on Radio; one of the callers had "Stage 4 Prostate cancer".   He, very honestly, blamed himself for "ignoring the signs/symptoms" until WAY too late.
      For years I've boasted a fine crop of "Moles", all of which Alice kept her  beady eye on.  I can't, honestly, say when this nuisance started, almost centrally twixt my shoulder-blades and manifested itself by itching.  
      Eventually I got Jerra to "shoot" it I can't be sure when as I've since mastered the art of D I Y(Timed selfies).  I can, however, vouch for the fact that the top photo of two was taken sometime in 2022 and the lower one this year; there's a handy Mole as an index of how it has grown in the two years.
       Earlier this year three things happened:-
1. I managed another, half-decent, "Selfie"
2. I had occasion to see el Doctero about something (I forget) totally "other".
3. I called it to Doc's attention and an "Open verdict" was declared. - BUT - on the follow up about "whatever it was" the then Doc. took. photo(s).
      Some days later I got a letter telling me that Doc. No. 3 in the "Virtual dermatology Clinic" had seen the photo(s) and diagnosed some words I could neither understand nor pronounce; which Paraphrased to "~ ~ the possibility of a basal cell carcinoma. as opposed to ~ ~ ~ "
      It's foreseen, but not scheduled for "~ ~ excision with primary closure under local anaesthetic procedure.

"Watch this space." as they say.  Back whence you came?

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