Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Kirkjufell - again

Thanks for all the stars and hearts for the auroras - it was such an incredible night. The aurora forecast was pretty good and we were on the north coast with clear skies - we were quite optimistic until the waitress in the restaurant said it is rare to see them in Grundarfjörður because of the surrounding mountains. We went to the harbour anyway and we did see some half decent auroras just after sunset but my shutter release cable wasn’t working so I went back to the hotel to drop the camera and tripod off - Sarah decided she’d come out with me and as we set foot back outside the sky exploded - we didn’t know which direction to look in, there were auroras everywhere. I’ll add some into extras to give you a flavour - it really was awe inspiring. After an hour or so we drove right up to Kirkjufell but it was so busy there - and absolutely pitch black - so we came back and sat on the harbour wall until the show began to wane. What a treat.

Today we’ve driven around Snæfellsnes - the main blip is the traditional shot of Kirkjufell, which looks like an arrow head from certain angles. We’ve had a fabulous day but we are absolutely knackered now after 8 full-on days - the final extra is Sarah and John braving the stone bridge at Arnarstapi - Sarah was really not happy.

We’re installed in an airport hotel for an early flight after we drop off the trusty Duster that has facilitated our adventures - we have walked goats, climbed craters, eaten fermented shark, seen the Northern Lights 3 times, straddled continents and been covered in sulphurous steam. It was great - I am sure I’ll be back for visit number 6 if I can persuade someone to come with me.

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