
By Dakers

Collecting Bottle Corks

For another of Pat’s Art Projects!

Today’s entry shows a very small amount of bottle corks retained after the wine bottle has been opened for drinking. 

I doubt the plastic cork will be much use, but what do I know. The total number of corks is about 5000, but these have been collected over the last 25 years and several friends have contributed their corks as well.

A quick internet search shows that corks can be reused in many ways.

I am typing this on Friday 27 September.

I fell today on a very slippy step and effectively crushed my right hand between the ground and my body.  No bones are broken and all my fingers move. However, actually trying to type, write or lift any objects was very painful. 

Driving the car was not on either. However my hand is now OK and working well.

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