Life through the lens...

By ValC

Foxton Locks

On our way to a very special weekend.
We stopped at Floxton Locks to have a look round. On the Grand Union Canal in Leicestershire.
This is the longest and steepest staircase of locks in the country.
Ten locks in all split into 2 staircases of 5 locks.
Only suitable for Narrow Boats which are 6’ 10” Wide.
Started in 1810. Back-breakingly carved by hand it took 4 years to build and officially opened in 1814.
A wonderful feat of engineering still used today.
We chatted to a gentleman who was moored up for the evening waiting to go up them in the morning.
Had a very pleasant walk up the side of the locks and along the towpath. So peaceful and very pleasant in the sunshine although quite breezy.

Now settled into our hotel.
Had a walk round Market Harborough.
One of the nicest towns I have visited in a long time.
In my extra you can see the old Grammar School dating from 1614, with the covered market beneath. Behind is the steeple of The church of St Dionysius.
What interesting shops. Clothes shops, cook shops, gift shops, shoe shops, art shops, craft shops.and many more. Very many small individual ones. ( even a Lakeland!)
Wish we lived nearer. Shopping here would be a pleasure.

Out tonight with our son, daughter-in-law and many other family members and friends. Should be a good evening.
Then the Big Day tomorrow.
Can’t wait, and hopefully we will have a fine day. Fingers crossed.

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