Dutch Skies

By RonBuist

Sunset at Lake Schildmeer

The Groningen Wadden Coast photography weekend has started! A lot of wind and rain today, but we managed to work our way around it and not be outside during the heaviest of rain.

After introductions and lunch we headed for the Kloostermolen windmill in Garrelsweer, where we could photograph the windmill in action, both from outside and inside. After that we made a quick visit to the beach at Bierum, where we concluded that there was just too much wind. Stronger winds were forecasted for later, so I decided we would go to lake Schildmeer instead. Still very windy but not as much as at the coast.

I made this image to show the group what a 6 stop ND filter can do in these conditions. It completely removes all the waves and by photographing straight into the wind it also gives this "stripes" effect in the sky.

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