
By Ridgeback13

Settle back

We introduced B&J to morning rolls with all the fillings, then walked over to Summerhall to let J look around where her Dad studied to be a vet. We asked if we could look in the anatomy lecture theatre and the guy on reception was great and let us explore there and the prep room, along with a man who we met who was trying to find his Dad’s initials which he had apparently carved into a bench when he was a student….nice to all explore together.
We had a lovely time, and also popped into the Pickerimg’s distillery and chatted to a young man there who told us all the history of the gin and whisky, as well as the part of the vet school they were based in. J was loving it all! I spotted this Himalayan honeysuckle in the grounds….very pretty
We dropped B&J off at their car and said goodbye, seeing them off on their drive south. I dropped V at her house then went to the Fort to replace the pan of mine that’s mysteriously distorted on the base.
When I got home I got the laundry started and in between putting more loads in I ended up staying most of the afternoon on the sofa!
I browsed a bit, thinking of buying an airfryer (but will it just clutter up my worktop?), chatted to A&N and to T, but otherwise just chilled out and relaxed. Feels like I’ve had a lot going on this last week since I’ve been back from Italy and I need to reset and get back into a home groove now.

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