By lizzie_birkett

Blip Meets and big hugs!

What a fab day I’ve had. First I met up with Alison (greengirl) who came on the bus with Jess the gorgeous collie. We had a good old chinwag in the cafe - putting the world to rights. Jess is such a gorgeous dog - the kind that leans against you.
All too soon it was time for them to catch the bus home.
After lunch at Anna’s my ukulele friend Lila arrived (extra) and we went to the pub and also had lots to catch up on. After an hour together, Blipper Louise (loulou) and hubby Alan arrived - the first time we had met in real life. It felt like we’d always known each other.
We spent a good few hours in the cafe playing music and singing. It was great fun and it was lovely to hear Alan and Louise’s music at last - then they had to leave to drive home.
Anna made us a lovely tea - Crispy Tofu Stirfry and we’ve sat round the kitchen table tonight chatting.

Now I’m worn out with talking so off to bed!
Goodnight :-)X

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