Living my dream

By Mima

Curry night

I am making sourdough rotis this evening, ready to scoop beetroot curry into my mouth at suppertime. The extra shows a roti puffing up nicely as it cooks.

The curry recipe which brother #2 passed to me a few years ago has become a staple. Not only is it simple to make, but it is delicious, and it freezes well.

The day started with the mixing and proving of the dough for the rotis, and for a loaf. The loaf is still proving and I will bake it in the morning.

The day feels longer - and I have certainly worked in the garden later - thanks to the clocks going forward last night. We are properly in the light half of the year now. I love the light evenings.

And it has been warm (21C) so my shorts have been rescued from the bottom drawer.

I got heaps done: fertilised the squash bed and the onion bed; watered the peas, broad beans and garlic beds; planted extra peas out where outdoor sowings failed (a useful experiment which I shan't repeat); weeded more of the soft fruit cage; took Bean for a walk (where she chased just one hare); and prepped the roots bed to sow parsnips tomorrow.

Those big piles of fabric are still covering the sewing table, untouched, waiting for an indoors day. Thursday maybe, when the next rain is forecast?

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