
By AnnieBelle

Noisy mynah

Today was grey and showery. Nevertheless I pushed myself to do a full circuit of Sydney Park in the hope of finding some wildlife to photograph. It wasn't teeming but I was pleased to find a few species. My main is a friendly noisy mynah, probably so because it was hoping I'd feed it. My extra is a distant and therefore cropped picture of a royal spoonbill. I love them. Check those crazy yellow eyes. Makes me wish I had more than the 200mm.

I left the park via the bush track. Imagine my surprise when I espied a nest of baby noisy mynahs and perhaps one adult. Before I could even think about getting my camera out a member of the mynah family swooped and pecked. (I'm so glad that M talked me into wearing a hat!) And not just once. It swooped and pecked and pecked and swooped. I tried to shoo it away but it was undeterred. I gave up before it did. Hitchcockian. 

Have a great start to the week. 

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