Lost in Thought

By steveng


If we're raking up fallen leaves, I suppose that means it really is autumn?
These were from our front lawn which is about to be rained on (again) so perhaps best to collect them up before they become a wet mush and get carried into the house.  The green (Garden) bin content goes off to a large composter and is eventually used by the local council in their gardens.

We cut the grass at the church yesterday afternoon - probably one of the last times for this year - I'm still no closer to sorting out an efficient route to go and keep finding bits I have missed.

Yesterday evening the Sealed Knot torchlight march to St Peters took place.  Normally this is held closer to the date of the battle of Edge Hill (23rd October) no idea why it was early this year. 
A couple of low light efforts in the extras.
We can hear the replica cannon firing this afternoon.

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