
By Rosemarie55


12°C  -  9 mph ESE Wind Speed  -  22 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy.  A lazy sort of day  -  played a bit of German Scrabble  -  this an online version.  You can find and other online games HERE! Sometimes translations can be hilarious!  For instant "bum" means "bang"  -  "Eva" can be a girl's name but it also means "a right little Madam"  -  I know a little girl that would fit that bill☻☻  Of course, we use a lot of German words too, e.g. angst, kaput, prang, verboten  -  they probably came to us via WW2. Certainly 'nurse' must have came into the German language via WW2  -  my youngest son was born in a British Military Hospital in Germany and most of the nurses were German  -  they would have been employed by the British Military as "nurses".

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