
By dogwithnobrain

I find out everybody knows that

I made it to the Allotment today!

I wasn't sure i would.  Last week walking from the car park to the plot would have been impossible.    Today, we parked in the allotment, and I walked from the park to the plot.  Easy . 

More difficult negotiating the paths, and clambouring over the beds.   But i was so happy to be there.   

I was happy to sit on the bench and just look round.   There were a couple of moments where leaves were whirlwinded up by a breeze and tumbled into the allotment from a great height - but they were so high, I couldnt capture it. 

I was delighted that all the flowers in both the plots, were still blooming beautifully.  Equally delighted that my leeks are actually looking like leeks, and are showing great promise of being actual leeks. 

The Celery is brilliant.  Brush  your hands against it, and the air is full of the scent of celery 

We wandered back down to the car (the purpose of the visit was to drop off compost - a local restaurant / garden centre is closing and was selling them off at 4 x £10.  A great bargain. )

And I managed to stand for long enough today to make a tray bake. 

A little more each day.  I'm definitely getting there. 

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