
By Teasel


TT headed off to work before the crack of dawn today.  I had to be up pretty sharpish too, as I had to send my thoughts back on a report which I read last night. I did that early and logged off before anyone else was online, then got myself ready and caught the bus into Edinburgh.  I had to make a quick trip into the office to pick up something I had left there last night – thankfully still sitting on my desk.  I then wandered along Princes Street, stopping for a quick look in a couple of shops, before catching another bus to my hairdresser.  I emerged a couple of hours later and did a little bit of shopping before catching the bus home.  I bumped into a friend on the bus, and we had a lovely chat all the way home. 
I rushed home, put the washing machine on, had a late lunch, then headed to the hospital for my latest appointment.  Unusually they were running quite  bit behind.  I usually have an early appointment, so haven’t really experienced having to wait.  The nurse was very apologetics, but rushed me along.  She was fairly happy, but not entirely happy, but the best thing was that there was no pain, so I guess the super strength antibiotics have done their job.  She let me go, but told me to make two further appointments.  I then dashed home, hung my washing out and went for a late afternoon walk in the sunshine, after a quick call from BB.
Once home I had an easy tea and watched some TV, and then an early night.
The sun was setting as I neared the end of my walk.  The extra is an autumnal view to the Lammermuirs.

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