Capital adventures

By marchmont

Inaugural BBQ

Today I was supposed to rest, but didn't.

I started off with a right eye completely closed and a makeshift eye patch of cotton wool and a fetching scarf. t came to prune/chop back/rejuvenate the lilac tree. When we started it was hazy with a remnant of haar but by 1.30 the sun was blazing down out of a blue sky and it was HOT. #2 son went for an hour run, got lost and ended up doing a 2 hour run in the heat of the day.

the tree looks a lot better but i now have a huge pile of wood to dispose of. Where is Herve and his tractor when you need him.

#2 son had invited round friends and we had our first BBQ. Somehow L is missing form this picture. I dotted to and fro hanging out washing, making potato salad and finding chicken. Both the radio and the tv were on. The TV on Muirfield the radio covering the golf, Le Tour and the cricket. What a week-end of sport.

I left them to go to the Cameo for NTLive 'Macbeth' from Manchester. I was early so had to hang around in the foyer. It was a great production and Kenneth Branagh was brilliant but it was noisy and my head hurt. And I was watching it one eyed, another makeshift patch behind my glasses. The new seats are great but I discover more bits of me that ache now that didn't before. My back is a bit better but my left thigh is very sore, making walking a challenge.

My eye opened up this afternoon but it is very swollen above and below and a range of beautiful colours.

Tomorrow I am going to rest.

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