
By Ridgeback13


Had a bit of a lie in this morning then after breakfast I walked down to see the Lavery exhibition at the National Gallery. He had an attractive style, particularly good at conveying patches of warm sunlight and fabric on the turn of the century wealthy women’s long gowns. I enjoyed looking round, although it wasn’t very demanding or thought provoking, but a pleasant way to spend an hour. Having commented on how unchanged the bones of Edinburgh are to our visitors the other day I was struck by this painting from 100years ago….it’s the same today - just with more traffic.
Walked home and I ironed the bedding I’d washed yesterday and changed my own bed. Did a bit of email/diary sorting and catching up then another quiet hour or so on the sofa reading.
Had leftovers for supper, texted back and forwards with A and T, and watched some TV before an early night…I’ve certainly been in need of a lot of down time this weekend!

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