
By JohnW


The thing that makes it with the media for making it.
I thought that one of our Mordaunt Short speakers would fit the bill, and part of our CD and DVD collection to set it off.  The items to the right can also instigate an amount of sound as well, but second hand so to speak . . .
The speakers have been with us since the mid/late 1980’s when we bought our second HiFi system.  The speakers are now driven by a fifteen year old Panasonic SA-XR25 tuner-amplifier.  Not exactly the highest spec amplifier but you would have a job to tell the difference with a hi-end amplifier unless you put them side by side.  It is true HiFi, unlike most of the low/mid-range digital ‘HiFi’ stuff on the market now.
Many thanks to Carolina for hosting Mono Monday this month.

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