Rodents rule

By squirk

I still love you

Juno was supposed to go on his annual vet visit yesterday, but we didn't check his calendar and he was busy. The vet was very understanding (it must happen all the time) and, through a team effort, Fred and I managed to surprise Juno into his cat box for an 8.45am appointment. He yowled on the walk to the bus and was good as gold on the bus and at the vet.

We were again impressed by the vet, who chatted to us with Juno on his lap, examining him without us or Juno really working out that he was doing so, until he looked at the teeth (which are excellent – in the top 20% of cats, we were told). Juno weighs a little less than last year, but stable so great. He's now an old cat at 8 (!!) so we should reduce his biscuits ever so slightly as, like us all, his metabolism will be lowering so... He's not a massive eater, but we do know all the neighbours give him treats. The vet says we all need treats. I like this vet. 

We awarded our efforts, after dropping a relieved Juno at home, with a late breakfast at The Electric Cafe.

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