Brusho paints
I could not remember whether to spray water first on the paper or after I had put the pigment on the paper. I tried both ways... hence far too much water on the paper, so I had to find a hairdryer. I have only just bought a hair dryer because of washing the stray cats. They are not allowed indoors until they have had their 'spa treatment' (which is not a very popular feature of the services I provide for the stray cats). I cannot let them go outside this weather until they are bone dry. A cat and a hairdryer does not go well together, but it is a necessity....
Just like it was a necessity last night to find the hairdryer to dry my painting...
Here is my first painting with the Brusho pigments. I did read after I had done it, that I should've used hot water in the spray bottle or very warm water.
It should be noted that I could not find any of my postcard sized pieces of plain white card and I have hundreds of them.... but I did manage to lay my hands on a package of 6 x 4 photographic paper.
So best get started while I was in the mood...
I found out that if you use water on photographic paper, you end up with the gooey mess. You cannot use a brush on it because the brush ends up in a gooey mess. However, you can use any implement at your disposal - credit card, ends of a pair of scissors, a pin, a Biro (but bear in mind it can never be used again as a Biro because it will mess it up completely but it is useful implement to draw with to get the white coming through the colour on the photographic paper)... and other ideas of your choice...
So this creative is my first attempt with the Brusho pigments... more attempts will come in the next few days...
I did have fun playing with this. You can see it is still wet...
Nighttime wildlife video...
Badgers A Cat & A Fox
That is it for today, so make the most of your day, and it is time for food for me...
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