Wind-swept beauty

I went to a different park today, in search of birds. Can't you tell... :)

I did find a few, mostly robins, but they were wise to visitors. They saw me before I saw them and that didn't make for a great photo opportunity. I did, however, have a great walk through the park. It was sunny and cooler (thankfully!) with a nice breeze. So, even though I got warm walking in the sun, the shady areas were cool and pleasant. (I'd almost forgotten what it was like not to spontaneously burst into sweat after moments outside... ;))

After my pleasant, birdless, walk I drove by a horse farm. Usually, the horses are far from the fence and I was prepared with my long lens. But today one was near the fence and interacted with me for a while... long enough for 5 other horses to get curious and come over to me. I had to backup to get them in the frame, but I really enjoyed their attention and got several keepers. This one caught my eye and got the vote from my (occasional) blip assistant. Her mane flowed so lovely in the breeze... A good model doesn't need much direction, she knew just how to pose. ;)

More wind-swept.

We went for a spin in the kayaks later and now that we are done with dinner and the dog walk... I'm bushed again. Maybe some coffee will help...

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