
By tridral

Gadael a Chyrraedd

Gadael a Chyrraedd ~ Departure and Arrival

“I don’t think we can separate the art from the artist, nor should we need to. I think we can look at a piece of art as the transformed or redeemed aspect of an artist, and marvel at the miraculous journey that the work of art has taken to arrive at the better part of the artist’s nature. Perhaps beauty can be measured by the distance it has travelled to come into being.”
― Nick Cave

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Es i i 'Leaving do' heddiw. Roedd dau o’m hen gydweithwyr yn gadael y brifysgol, a chefais wahoddiad i ginio. Braf oedd gweld pawb eto ond roedden nhw wedi newid ar ôl pum mlynedd.

Roedd rhai wedi tyfu barfau, neu wedi tocio barfau, wedi tyfu'n deneuach neu dewach a phawb wedi tyfu henach. Does dim cofio da gyda fi am enwau ar amser gorau, ond heddiw roedd yn ddryslyd iawn.

Ond doedd dim ots. Roedd e'n dda i glywed am y newidiadau yn y brifysgol. Mae rhan fwyaf o bobl yn gweithio o dŷ, mae llawer o swyddfeydd yn wag, ac mae'r brifysgol yn gwerthu rhai o 'i hadeiladau.

Yn y cyfamser mae newydd dyfodiad gyda ni, ein ffrind Sang-gyé wedi dod i aros gyda ni am gwpl o fisoedd. Bydd e'n neis i gael Bwdist arall yn y tŷ.
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I went to 'Leaving do' today. Two of my old colleagues were leaving university, and I was invited to lunch. It was nice to see everyone again but they had changed after five years.

Some had grown beards, or trimmed beards, grown thinner or fatter and all had grown older. I don't have a good memory for names at the best of times, but today it was very confusing.

But it didn't matter. It was good to hear about the changes at the university. Most people work from home, many offices are empty, and the university is selling some of its buildings.

In the meantime we have a new arrival, our friend Sang-gyé has come to stay with us for a couple of months. It will be nice to have another Buddhist in the house.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Cerflun Aneurin 'Nye' Bevan, Caerdydd
Description (English): Aneurin 'Nye' Bevan Statue, Cardiff
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