Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Home away from home.

I've just started a week long residential for my uni course. I arrived safely in Durham this afternoon. After registering a kind young man carried my bag to my room for me. Just one of the perks of having "additional requirements" due to a health complaint.

We're in a different college from last time and as far as the room goes, I'm impressed. Far more spacious than last time, the windows open and it's nowhere near the kitchens so I shouldn't be woken by the extracter fans and heat at 5:30am, and it comes complete with towels and a little toiletries bag for the ensuite!.

They've given the accomodation blocks names based on Northumbrian and Cumbrian places. When they told me I was in Kendal I wasn't so surprised to find the block next to me was Penrith, my home town. However I was surprised to find that of all the Cumbrian places they could have chosen, the block on the otherside of me is Greystoke, the village I grew up in.

So I decided to blip the room signs, would have been nice to have been in Greystoke so it was a home away from home but Kendal will do.

I am however VERY unimpressed by the food so far. It appears they have no idea of portion size (the guy serving me refered to my turkey fillet as a dinosaur fillet as it was so large it was nearly sticking off the dinner plate), they've never heard of salad and they appear to only use high fat, high salt and high sugar ingredients. I hope this changes soon as my body can't cope with that sort of food and I'll be on to just a soup and roll for dinner otherwise.

We've got 13 hour days ahead of us so I'll not have much time to look at other journals or comment over the next week. Now I'm off to prep my feild notebook then it's bedtime.

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