
By JennyOwen

Sound (and fury)

Really, for today's MM 'Sound' challenge, I should have picked an image of sheets of rain hitting the windscreen, or cars creating small, hissing bow waves in the new streams flowing down the roads. It has rained... and rained... and rained. At some moments the sheer energy in all that moving water was mesmerising.
I did think about it. But keeping eyes on the traffic, and ears on two restless small boys on the back seat, took all my attention. I took Eben and Luca to school early this morning, and picked them up afterwards in the afternoon. In between there was a quiet interlude at home.
There were, er, challenges. Luca had a meltdown in the playground at home time. He'd insisted on removing his coat, while sheltering under the overhang of a playground structure. Then he got cold. Then he got mardy, and all offers of coat or biscuit or cuddle provoked fury. Eventually the playground had largely emptied, Eben was shivering in the rain and I simply frog-marched Luca towards the car. He is way too heavy for me to lift, these days.  He yelled in protest, but he moved. The act of moving (or more accurately, being moved) released something, and he gradually reconnected with Eben and me and calmed  down.
When we got to Ruth and Josh's house, however, there was a problem with the electrics. Some lights were working, but kitchen appliances were not. Fortunately I'd cooked tea earlier and had brought it with me, ready to heat up on the gas cooker. So we watched tv for a while, under a duvet on the sofa, and ate tea there too.
When Ruth and Josh got home, much later than usual, they were both soaked to the skin. They did sort out the electrics though :-)
Thanks to all who have left hearts, stars and friendly comments on yesterday's ICM image. Much appreciated.

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